Face Painting!
Why contract professional face and body artists?
Proper face painting hygiene begins with professionals that know how to store their paints, take care of their brushes and sponges, and most importantly, are educated on all products they use. Using an Amateur or Volunteer as an Artist presents risk . Often inferior materials are used, and other tools containing bacteria. This causes skin irritations, rashes, and even welts and allergic reactions. Cutting corners is not a safe move when it comes to the safety of children and others.
What gives us the “Magic Touch” with Kids?
With a Reflexology Therapist background, We have trained in the “Magic Touch!” Trained hands offer a gentle technique that kids find comforting. Just like a choreographed dance routine Linda brings artistic flair to her work. Linda’s talented crew is extensive and are often asked to work in character.
Ask us about Air Brushing, Glitter Tattoos and Adult Body art!